Colleen Dillon's listening history

richardlaceves's avatar
welll... this year for RPM i am trying music and instruments i have never used/learned/done ie know nothing about... why? im not sure i now know.. but it did seem like a good idea two weeks ago.. so here is the "first half" of what i have so…
MemphisMaiden's avatar
An acoustic short song I just made up, I kept it very basic by only using my little Höhner guitar with nylon strings of which I recorded two layers. I hope you will enjoy my song ! Warm regards from Anna.
Rock Lobster's avatar
This is the instrumental version of the song. I have poetry to go with it, but I don't sing. I'll get someone to add a vocal track to this soon.
Rock Lobster's avatar
If she'd just been honest about it online, b4 they met in person, he could have been cool with it... based on a story related to me by a friend, and hopefully it will be taken in the fun spirit in which it is intended and no one is too offended.
Rock Lobster's avatar
This is the instrumental version of the song. I have poetry to go with it, but I don't sing. I'll get someone to add a vocal track to this soon.
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Keyboards (bagpipes) performed by Starry Nightmoth. Lead guitar by George Harrison. Vocals and all other instruments performed by Gene Eric Mann. Thunder and rain by Mother Nature. Lyrics by John Lennon.
Rock Lobster's avatar
If she'd just been honest about it online, b4 they met in person, he could have been cool with it... based on a story related to me by a friend, and hopefully it will be taken in the fun spirit in which it is intended and no one is too offended.
Rock Lobster's avatar
This is the instrumental version of the song. I have poetry to go with it, but I don't sing. I'll get someone to add a vocal track to this soon.
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
One of my better Psych Folk recordings. Intro voice and keyboards by Starry Nightmoth. BG rhythm/drums generated using a Yamaha E313 KB. Lyrics, music and all other instruments and vocals are my fault. BEHOLD THE BREAD (Unleavened) All of…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Update: Gene offered to improve the Mix on this song! This is that improved version. Thanks so much Gene! You are awesome!!! I wrote this song earlier this summer, and had played it a few times with Greg Connor, fellow alone toner, and…