Colleen Dillon's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Here's another contribution to the RPM this year Track 02....Reg is starting to realize whats important in his life..... LOOKING WANTING NEEDING LOVE Been a puppet, a pirate, a poet, a king a rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief i lived…
thetworegs's avatar
The first one for the RPM........THE REG SAGA CONTINUES.....
Cave Street's avatar
Hold The Nighttime -- Hold the nighttime just as close as you can. Get to know it. Yeah, make it your friend. Taste the darkness and you'll understand. The moon reflects the light on the land. But not everything is what it seems... in this dream…
Matt Ferrara's avatar
kavin.'s avatar
Recorded live in a friends' garage studio. Added vocals later. Billy:drums Eric:bass Dennis:acoustic guitar Glenn:1st lead and rhythm guitar Me:2nd lead, Rhythm guitar and vocals ©2006
kavin.'s avatar
Thinking about Mom on her 93rd birthday.
Brett Warren's avatar
in my...
Throwing Bones's avatar
Grateful Dead cover by Throwing Bones live rehearsal.
thetworegs's avatar
Here's another contribution to the RPM this year Track 02....Reg is starting to realize whats important in his life..... LOOKING WANTING NEEDING LOVE Been a puppet, a pirate, a poet, a king a rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief i lived…
Michael Carmody's avatar
I wrote this song as the theme for the Jason Bailey feature film of the same name; Tom Page and I created the entire score. The song is sung here by the film's female lead, Becky Lathrop. I play organ and sing backup; Page plays all guitars and…