Colleen Dillon's listening history

Andrew Sweet's avatar
I'm a huge Adele fan and this is what was created during an improv session this eve. Here is "Someone Like You".
Andrew Sweet's avatar
A familiar song among some of us. I had no direction for this one, just sat down and this is what I was left with after 5 minutes.
username123's avatar
Shielded About's avatar
deekaybe's avatar
"Mon beau sapin", version Mambo
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
One of my favorite recordings and favorite songs. The drums of this Political Folk tune was generated with the Yamaha E313. The lead guitar break needs replaced with a violin, but… THE FINAL HOUR Welcome to the final hour Everybody kneel…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
A Sea Shanty with a bit of Psychedelic seasoning. Guest artist Starry Nightmoth performs the “harmonica” on a Yamaha KB as the song fades out. 37 SAILS Thirty-seven sails be a full rigged ship Open up ye hatch and pour ye spirit down…
Ron's avatar
Here is my version of Greg's Cherry Pie...I took a little liberty with it and recorded a whole new song.....I think Greg said that would be ok!! Tried to put the Sweet Ronnie Cream Cheese Mojo on it....good gawd!!!!
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
First sounds from a deconstructed reconstructed guitar I started about a year ago. It was a Steinberger copy that I wanted to make fretless. That led to decided to strip it of all paint, electronics and rebuild as the parts and it were old…
FDR's avatar
Or three or four