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Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
written on a Bad day with Chicken pox.... But Spent a Great Day with my Son who also had it. Jim Called later that day. He added a vocal/Lyric the day after as my voice is shot... This is a song about good times with your wee ones..
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
A Song I wrote about a friend of mine who used to Jump out of planes a lot. This is one of the hidden tracks on my new album "Black Cat" which features Beth, Keith and Reewfwalker from alonetone and Geir and Jim from Songcrafters. Here is a…
boy named bri's avatar
You go and I stay. Almost like before, I think. Don't you notice now? Always I lag behind you. Stutter-step to notice me. Shyness looks at tennis shoes, Studies things you'll never see. Will you ever see me?

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another cultural landslide's avatar
This is really a true story. No, really... And our holiday gift to you & your friends. (Feel free to download it and share it with anyone who you think might enjoy it.) Oh... by the way... acl is finally waking from a very deep slumber…
rob mills's avatar
Tweaked, remixed and mastered version of my 2011 RPM effort.
chicky's avatar
from Riga, Latvia

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