c}{imps 8 my ears's listening history

Nøstalgia's avatar
Ehrlich, Ich liebe die Band Pendulum. Ich bekomme eine Menge meiner musikalischen Inspiration aus ihnen. Honestly, I love the band Pendulum. I get a lot of my musical inspiration from them.
Norm's avatar
As chance had it, I found myself in an acoustically great room, full of cajons! Well, they were unfinished cabinets actually, but they had lovely tones. Since this is the stuff dreams are made of, I had no choice but to seize the opportunity and…
Norm's avatar
So, what's "Fly"? This. Bass Cajon; tambourine; congas; cymbals. 4/4 180bpm.
bddtmm's avatar
Original song by bddtmm. I perform all strings and vocals and created the drum pattern on my drum machine. Also I wrote this one. Hope you like it.
States Of The Mind's avatar
All music by Tyler Dedera. All vocals by Lisa Nelson.
States Of The Mind's avatar
All Music by Tyler Dedera. All vocals by Shanna Dawn
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
The Wife is a self confessed “Not a morning person”..... I am a morning person (well... Wake up happy person).... and so is the boy.... This causes some friction sometimes.... LOL!!!!!!! We went to a church fate today... Was…
mmi's avatar
Very raw, completely improved piece. One track, one take. Guitar -> GT-10 -> JamMan Stereo A touch of Discord 3 was added as a send effect. Limiting on the master track. Et voila. Sorry about the clipping. Recommended listening…
Yards of Silk's avatar
From Cents EP and Leaving My Body LP
Nøstalgia's avatar
Ehrlich, Ich liebe die Band Pendulum. Ich bekomme eine Menge meiner musikalischen Inspiration aus ihnen. Honestly, I love the band Pendulum. I get a lot of my musical inspiration from them.