Very raw, completely improved piece. One track, one take.
Guitar -> GT-10 -> JamMan Stereo
A touch of Discord 3 was added as a send effect. Limiting on the master track. Et voila.
Sorry about the clipping.
Recommended listening environment: night time, drink 3 pints (or poison of choice), let effects happen, headphones
But seriously, this piece is kind of a reaction to the musical constipation I’ve been feeling lately. A good friend (sandbags) recently told me to SOTFIC and upload something already. And thus, here it is. Naked and raw.
Will you respect me in the morning?
Awesome. Yes there was a bit of clipping in there but who cares really? This was very listenable.
Does sound fun. At least you recorded *something* and uploaded it! :)
Personally disappointed you didn't call it Sotfic. I like this piece - mermaids fighting.