c}{imps 8 my ears's listening history
this song is unusually long for us..we didn't want to cut any of it though. It is an adventurous title..inspired by true life dreams..kickin her leg in her sleep like an electro-shock patient..there is some shadowy sampling..maybe a few recognizable…
This is actually a joke based on the old SEGA commercial)) You know, the one about BLAST PROCESSING?)
Lyrics are as follows:
Hey there, Processing,
No need to be BLAST today,
Turn on your feet and
Press rewind..
The second part is…
One of THOSE nights..)))
Original composition date: 31.08.2014
Musically speaking I wanted something fast and dumb. Lyrically speaking I wanted to use the word "rageface" for some unknown reason. Given how silly the whole thing was I went with the line "you laugh at my rageface" because is there anything…
i got together with my former writing partner and we made noise, which i recorded, and now you are hearing it.