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sharted pee

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gay organ..trans-filtered guitar..a heinous name(that seems to go far)..a sonic bumpy wagon ride..through space..through a tunnel to the center of the muddiest planet..

Guest said

eeew! it sounds like a serious plumbing issue.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Last one was me... Forgot to log in...

Guest said

Wow!!! That Woke me up! There is stuff going on in this that wont let me Stop listening.... Freaky stuff... But Wow!! What is Going on!?!?!?! It demands a Listen! You are on to something here... Expect one of my tracks to have a similar intro! Genius!

da gubbamint's avatar
da gubbamint said

shit, youz crazy. solid entatainment.
