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prego mexican kitty

c}{imps 8 my ears

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jupiter leads with a rythym guitar and sings a crazy off the cuff story, while hot wheels simply plucks pretty randomly at his five strings. A ballad about a mexican cat, with a spiky ,lively six minute intro.

World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

So, if jpt_io is a moon orbiting Jupiter, & the I/o in Io stands for Input/Output, that means that /u/jpt_io on Reddit is the Comptroller of the Currency of the Input/Output Bus of the Solar System.

Guest said

i'm with kirk with this one..who could resist?

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

With a title like this who could resist?

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

unbelievable, I love it, it is so lo-fi it is kinda beautiful in its way.

Guest said

love the titles Chimps8.

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