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Pre-Dawn Artscape/Ghost Town

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Memories of walking a coonhound in the small hours around the empty structures of Baltimore’s Artscape festival before dawn- silent ferris wheel standing behind the rows of booths, vacant carnival installations on the Charles St Bridge. In this piece I play Spanish guitar, melodica, violin, theremin, turntables, and toy megaphone, augmented by looping and processing through Ableton Live and a Kaoss Pad.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

What an awesome track, I love this.

glu's avatar
glu said

oh yeah. this is good. I love the bowed stuff especially.

Guest said

Yes, I can see it, you really set the scene well and it's beautifully played.

dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said

That's pretty friggin awesome...

Guest said

Wow, impressive track! I love the Augustus Pablo @ ~4min.
