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Soft Fists Of Worry

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I suppose this is an “ambient chill” piece. It was mainly an excuse to use a marimba sample and an analog synthy sound from my Roland Juno-106.

Tipu's avatar
Tipu said

Underwater journey

Chris McGrath's avatar
Chris McGrath said

and lovely sounds they are too

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

dreamy and Holds Your attention all the way Through! Like this a lot!!

dAb's avatar
dAb said

Lush! This is really nice. :)

Guest said

Tantalising intro melts in to a track filled with magic and wonderful energy! Love it!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Nice! This would be fun to just keep adding layers to.

Guest said

Cool tune.
