coelocanth's listening history
xenharmonic arpegg impro for sound-in 10/10-12/13
A collab with LJ. You may have heard it with a Burnley accent. This is a softer version.
Year: 1987
Artist's description:
music realized circa 1985 via Casio CT-68, Fender Mustang, double track on cassette, by Chris Vaisvil
The Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem is quite apparent on this. I'm sorry - this is all…
From a poem by Shannon Elizabeth Hardwick
Francine Creates Her Story As If Asked to Author Her Own Birth
Francine eats oranges like they are herself in a field after a long swim in the river next to her father's house and she is warm in…
Justin Otter Guy (just another guy) and Gene Eric Mann (generic man) are the same musician. My originals are penned as Gene tunes ( and my covers are uploaded as Justin tunes (/redshirt).
January, 2012. Kerbals all over the world cower in fear as the song plays in the background. A war. A war has just begun between to worlds, and forever shall both be changed. The Great Munar War.
Made for Kerbal Space Program Roleplay Forum Movies.
An overdriven Musique Concrète bit stretched & slowed, then run through multiple echo units until it throbs & pulses.
this song never really came together because of my flawed vocal rig. everything is mixed weird to try to compensate. K.G. did his best and brought it a long way.