Colin Garvey's listening history

Robert James's avatar
Originally written in my bedroom in 1992 or so. Later rewritten and played by Prime Meridian from 1998-2000. It was basically forgotten about until I found it on a tape in 2004 and brought it out for Break Even.
Jay Durfey's avatar
John Lennon started it with God pt.I, U2 followed with God pt.II, and I was presumptuous enough to think I could do God pt.III. A wee nod here and there to the first two tracks with my own twist.
Anthony Sweet's avatar
this song is about entering the space of friends, brothers, loved ones.... it's about entering their sadness, their joy, their pain. Journeying along side those I love and finding out that so often I fall so short. This song is about the letting…
Colin Garvey's avatar
swaintek's avatar
Rockabilly breakup song
Benjamin Wuamett's avatar
fishuyo's avatar
Uses granulation techniques on a few sounds...mainly a blade of grass.
fishuyo's avatar
Uses granulation and convolution on a few sound sources...mainly a blade of grass.
fishuyo's avatar
Like love, that flows, like honey.
jennifer's avatar
I am singing/vocalizing audio to accompany short scenes in a film made by an artist friend of mine. She calls it "Pattern Pattern". This segment goes with a snowy scene where shadows move in and out like wolves.