communitytrees's listening history

communitytrees's avatar
this is a new song that is very different but beautiful check it out
communitytrees's avatar
this is a new song that is very different but beautiful check it out
communitytrees's avatar
this is a new song that is very different but beautiful check it out
communitytrees's avatar
this is a new song that is very different but beautiful check it out
corbinSound's avatar
A new song that I've been working on, still yet to be titled, but heres a live recording as part of the Winter Bridge Sessions (video to accompany on youtube). It was recorded on a bridge at night in the winter ... aka Winter Bridge Sessions…
Brian Bazeley's avatar
Just wanted to play along to this great song and luckily corbin71 allowed me to do just that.
vaisvil's avatar
This is part of a microtonal tuning survey. for those of a stout constitution all of the options follow: These are playable online here: Here is the original harpsichord…
mmi's avatar
A test track of sorts. I typically mix a track, bounce it out to my ipod and then go for a drive. The stereo in my truck is kind of boomy and if I get the bass wrong, I'll hear about it. This has been a matter of a certain amount of guesswork…
Norm's avatar
"High Life" is a musical genre that originated in Ghana in the 1900s and spread to Sierra Leone, Nigeria and other West African countries by 1920. My friends from that part of the world consider this be the "go-to" rhythm for just about anything…
kirklynch's avatar
My first attempt at a Blumlein or Mid/Side recording. This one is actually a mid/side recording as I used a directional mic in combo with a figure 8 ribbon mic set at 90 degrees from the main mic. Thanks to Pat Broaders for the loan of the ribbon…