Greg Connor's listening history

Greg Connor's avatar
I had myself a dream last night As I tossed and turned in bed The window was open wide The street noise jangled, in my head . I was dreaming of a better time It was all so clear to me Wind whistled through the pine trees…
Greg Connor's avatar
I had myself a dream last night As I tossed and turned in bed The window was open wide The street noise jangled, in my head . I was dreaming of a better time It was all so clear to me Wind whistled through the pine trees…
Greg Connor's avatar
Shadows & Light, A compilation between: Bethan Mathis, Vocals Lisa D, Irish Whistle Greg Connor, Guitar Lyrics: Shadows And Light, Written by…
Pat Bondy's avatar
Another silly little tune, this time about the world's favourite stout! (Edit: uploaded a new version. Fixed a few mistakes.) Lyrics: When the sun is up high, in a bright blue sky And you're walking around in Dublin town You got nothing…
Greg Connor's avatar
Shadows & Light, A compilation between: Bethan Mathis, Vocals Lisa D, Irish Whistle Greg Connor, Guitar Lyrics: Shadows And Light, Written by…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
We were around the coffee table on Thursday night and dusted this one off from my 2014 archive. Greg Connor and Mark Lofgren pitching in on vocals and guitars.... I like this 2017 version.... They Don't Matter To Me Some fools don’t…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's the first of several versions that you'll see from a collaboration across the inter webs started by Greg Connor. He got us together on the Zoom and then look what happened!!!! Music and lyrics collaborated with the talents of Steve Krell…
Rock Lobster's avatar
BROKEN BOTTLES Broken bottles on the shore You're molded to the bathroom floor Just like you were the day before All throughout the year and more No excuse, you're such a mess You break your word, you're honor-less A heartless soul…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
This one is dedicated to my dear friend John. Thanks for changing my life for the better.... Also a big thanks to our own Greg Connor who helped me get the chords for my own uke accompaniment, and who kindly played the beautiful guitars…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
This was a write it and record it in one session song challenge that my songwriting friends and I came up with this week. Lions and Lambs was started thinking of spring, but it turned into a song about relationships... as they often do. Greg…