Greg Connor's listening history

Greg Connor's avatar
Here is my contribution to Gene's Challenge. Find it here: How to Assemble Your Android How to assemble your android With pitfalls that you should avoid Like send in the…
Greg Connor's avatar
#RPM Challenge 2015#
Rock Lobster's avatar
BROKEN BOTTLES Broken bottles on the shore You're molded to the bathroom floor Just like you were the day before All throughout the year and more No excuse, you're such a mess You break your word, you're honor-less A heartless soul…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
My contract with Jennifer Rose. MAKE IT THROUGH I don’t have too much to give I don’t have too long to live I just want to be your friend Can I spend my years with? Can I share my tears with you? I will love until the end I…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
I’m not one to repeat a rumor… so listen close the first time. GOSSIP Legends in the warehouse Gossip in the halls Rumors in the office Ears upon the walls Hiding round the corner Straining for each sound Car-pool to the lunchroom…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Another pitiful recording, this one featuring my first attempt at rapping – if ya want to call it that! EVERYONE (The Empty Stage) Everyone – they look at me; they wonder who I am They want to know if I’m for real but I don’t give a…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
[untitled] Label what you will Untitled leave this I Don’t deny I am Forsaking the asking of why Perhaps lacking the aching to why This Here Now, it is And thus is what am I Willing what you will
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
WALKIN' BLUES Where were you Saturday night When I was in jail because I was in an awful fight? You were roaming' the streets with a man they call “The Knife” Where were you Last Tuesday eve' When I was at home alone? (And man…
Colin Garvey's avatar
Colin Garvey's avatar