Dirty Spirits's listening history

carebearteddybear's avatar
odh's avatar
For no particular reason, Heart Shaped Box.
Keith Landry's avatar
Andy Samford kicking ass on guitar, Brian Martin on bass, and Jim Garn (MTC) on drums... A song that was assembled bass-ackwards. I'M FIGHTING TIME Sitting in the movies back in 1985 The first long weekend in July With Doc and Einstein…
Keith Landry's avatar
LOST IN THE GRAY Never ran into the water on a summer day Never had the time to find a better word to say Never tried anyway Never thought I'd ever try to find another way Never even thought I'd ever really want to stay Never knew how…
Keith Landry's avatar
Arrangement by Jana Persson (Strummindude) Accompanying vocals by Andrea Szirbik CIVIL WAR Holding down the borders What's mine is yours Folding down the corners Of pages meaning more Walking on the wire Never thought to look for…
Keith Landry's avatar
Thanks to Colin Garvey for giving his energy to this little duet... And to Genevieve for making good on a promise. BORN AT THE RIGHT TIME Born at the right time Underneath the summer sky Always walked a fine line Making good and barely…
Gumbo's avatar
This was an RPM track back in the day, and I've been playing it various ways to find a setting for it within the band repertoire. This doesn't sound much like our band would do it but it came out nicely, so i thought i'd share it.
Rob and Laura's avatar
Rob and Laura's avatar
Rob and Laura's avatar