Dirty Spirits's listening history
A Piece of Pi is our newest composition. It’s a brief summary of the story “Life of Pi”. A wonderful story needs a wonderful song. Hopefully we can meet this challenge and find like-minded people out there.
I wanted to rewrite one of his songs, partly because it's a shame that they aren't played or remembered any more, but also to say that he has stained the memories of so many fans from the seventies.
In the age of glam you were the fancy man…
My light-hearted take on a serious issue.
Over- prescription of powerful and addictive drugs, and the unknown and (to some) worrying relationship between doctors and the drug companies.
Disclaimer: Dr. Kreviss is a fictional character, and any…
Mr. Keith Landry was kind enough to let me have a play around with the title track from his very excellent rpm album.. This was the outcome. If you haven't, check out Keith's album.. Tis truly a thing of beauty
Third song by P.Lance McDaniel our trusty drummer. this song is a blast to play. we had lots of fun with it during the RPM Challenge.