JESMIAUS 's listening history

Gumbo's avatar
A cover of Iron Angel Forge's song from his 2009 RPM Challenge album, Not Forsaken. He is here at alonetone under the name IronAngel. I haven't told him yet, though, so it's a surprise ;~)
Gumbo's avatar
A cover of Iron Angel Forge's song from his 2009 RPM Challenge album, Not Forsaken. He is here at alonetone under the name IronAngel. I haven't told him yet, though, so it's a surprise ;~)
Jason Earls's avatar
Listening to Miles Davis made me do it.
Jason Earls's avatar
I wrote a novella called "Zombies of the Red Descent" and this is the theme music.
Jason Earls's avatar
On youtube there's a short video clip of guitarist Shawn Lane (R.I.P) executing an extremely difficult chord voicing that requires extensive finger stretching, which Shawn calls "the hardest chord in the world." I altered the chord a little bit…
JESMIAUS 's avatar
almost didn't want to upload this but on second and repeated listens. here it is!
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Inspired by Monster Magnet. Story written from anagrams of titles from Dopes To Infinity.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Inspired by Monster Magnet. Story written from anagrams of titles from Dopes To Infinity.
JESMIAUS 's avatar
Inspired by Monster Magnet. Story written from anagrams of titles from Dopes To Infinity.