cuthbert's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
I attempt a song from Living in the Past by Jethro Tull.
vaisvil's avatar
I ruin Jethro Tull's Witches' Promise
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
We held a charity Gig at St Mary’s Church in December 2011. Here is a Recording of the night entitled “Wrens Friends presents – Cloud Horses”. Featuring: Sam Silverlock and Catherine Goldstein OsCKilO Simon Williams The Yes-mess Wyen Solo Here…
vaisvil's avatar
This is a song some 15 years in the making. The original 4-track cassette tape tracks laid down in 1997 - and this past year Frank added bass and drums. Its my fault on how there are still rough edges - that is the result of how I did things…
thetworegs's avatar
Poor Reg's mate Ronald lost his job in the Government cuts now this whole world is caving in..... he has the bailiffs pounding at his door and he can't take anymore........he has lost his pension....soon to lose his house ......he's already lost…
thetworegs's avatar
Poor Reg's mate Ronald lost his job in the Government cuts now this whole world is caving in..... he has the bailiffs pounding at his door and he can't take anymore........he has lost his pension....soon to lose his house ......he's already lost…
thetworegs's avatar
Poor Reg's mate Ronald lost his job in the Government cuts now this whole world is caving in..... he has the bailiffs pounding at his door and he can't take anymore........he has lost his pension....soon to lose his house ......he's already lost…
thetworegs's avatar
i've started to take some Blues lessons from the Reverend over on Cool-Lab and this is the first attempt over his backer in Am and i couldn't help myself i had to sing along as well....hope you like the first effort...BB watch out!!
thetworegs's avatar
This is a song i always wanted to have a go at and it wasn't until Johnny let me have a go on his representation of it i got my chance. Thanks Johnny for letting me have a go, may you rest in peace............
thetworegs's avatar
This is a reading of one of my favourite books, that I read for my children, they are always totally absorbed not only is the story superb but the artistry by Axel Scheffler is also fantastic. During the telling of the story i must cover every…