czgoldedition's listening history

Erik Spangler's avatar
This piece grew out of a project in my digital music class at Oasis Charter Middle School (Cape Coral, FL) back in Fall 2006. I recorded some environmental sounds at night in the Four Mile Cove nature preserve in Cape Coral (the only bit of natural…
glu's avatar
This song was made with only two short bird samples. 1) A wild screaming pija and 2)parrot. I made it last night after taking an antihistamine for all the chigger bites. paz.
Erik Spangler's avatar
From my first album of beats, "Tompkins Count Organic", this song samples the banjo and voice of Frank Profitt, from an old Folkways recording. Also sampled is a composition of mine for violin, played by Rolf Schulte.
Erik Spangler's avatar
While I was a grad student in the Boston area, I performed regularly with an Afro-Caribbean drumming group called the Jah Jah Drummers. It was during this time that I first began making beats in hip-hop and dub styles. This was recorded at the…
Erik Spangler's avatar
Field recording of spontaneous celebration in the streets of Baltimore after Obama wins election. Nov. 5, between 12:30 - 1:30 AM.
kirklynch's avatar
A short unfinished jazzy kinda thing from the end of 2006
czgoldedition's avatar
AKA "Better than Donating Organs". First project for MICA's Sound 1 class. This sounded a heck of a lot cooler when I first edited it! Oh well. Learning Protools.
czgoldedition's avatar
AKA "Better than Donating Organs". First project for MICA's Sound 1 class. This sounded a heck of a lot cooler when I first edited it! Oh well. Learning Protools.
czgoldedition's avatar
Yeah soooo this is a rather bizarre sound documentary of my room/apartment. All sounds were recorded there, including: belching, a toy duck call, a cup falling, various toys that make noise, a friend playing Pokemon on their DS, friends talking…
czgoldedition's avatar
AKA "Better than Donating Organs". First project for MICA's Sound 1 class. This sounded a heck of a lot cooler when I first edited it! Oh well. Learning Protools.