dAb's listening history

dougsparling's avatar
Written and Recorded: Feb 07, 2010 Details: Epiphone Les Paul (DADGAD - capo VII), Seymour Duncan Pickups, POD XT, Boss RC-20 Looper, EBow, Audacity...all fingers, no picks. 2010 RPM Challenge
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
My opus. By far the longest song I've ever recorded. I tried to make it shorter, but it just didn't work. Sorry. :) "The Water-Carver" uses a sample from Stereolab's "Changer." (Gane/Sadier)
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
I imagine this music playing in a bar sometime in the future, probably in the background while cybernetic bar patrons interface with one another in full view of the world's sensor network.
Galileo's Cough Drop's avatar
I imagine this music playing in a bar sometime in the future, probably in the background while cybernetic bar patrons interface with one another in full view of the world's sensor network.
yelyah's avatar
Hurray patches? The melody was the last thing that was written for this. The piano is a placeholder for whenever I get around to actually writing full lyrics. (I have a few lines written down, but I’m not sure if that’s the direction I want…
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
My opus. By far the longest song I've ever recorded. I tried to make it shorter, but it just didn't work. Sorry. :) "The Water-Carver" uses a sample from Stereolab's "Changer." (Gane/Sadier)
Endicott Highway's avatar
Vocals and Piano by Lena & Irina Panfilova
Anthony Sweet's avatar
This songs reminds me that this is the moment i have. No longer looking for the dawn for the dawn is here. This is the moment this is the moment that i've been waiting for I've been waiting for the dawn and the dawn is coming soon
kavin.'s avatar
Used Michelangelo's percussion track.
kavin.'s avatar