dAb's listening history

Freddie Freelance's avatar
RPM track
Freddie Freelance's avatar
The Bells... The Bells!
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Something you don't often hear from me and that's straight drummin'. On this track I left the original L/R kit track because it just sounded more raw and nasty. Listen close and you'll hear different levels on the high hat. Plus, you can…
J dY Stamp's avatar
Folk gipsy song "Sun" ("Lullaby"). Recorded in collaboration with Russian singer Alyona Razlog.
fuzzfilth's avatar
fuzzfilth's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I elected to pursue my theme for RPM 2010 even though, ultimately, I decided not to take part. So I'm going at my own pace, not trying to produce "finished" works, or to be governed by anything except my experimental muse. The theme I chose…
Rob and Steve's avatar
This is our saddest ever song.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
When I uploaded this last night I thought it was a failure, this morning I am not so sure. I've just listened to it again and, while it fails to live up to my expectations when I started, there's something about it that I like. The initial…
 ShamPain's avatar
took it down to make a few changes. here it is all done now. Verses added and all tweaks done, recorded using ableton and the guitar is tuned to double dropped D