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Tumbleweed (RPM)

Wildgeas Music

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Something you don’t often hear from me and that’s
straight drummin’. On this track I left the
original L/R kit track because it just sounded
more raw and nasty. Listen close and you’ll hear different levels on the high hat. Plus, you can clearly hear me coming off the high hat to roll. The ending is perhaps some of my best live drumming.

All Ibanez, Cool Juno track, and some guy I don’t
recognize who’s singing the usual cornball love

Lost in the night
the night follows day
You wish you might roll off
in some other way

you spend your nights on love
then love all day
I’ll leave a lights on
should you intend to stay

Lost in the night
the night follows day
the days grow cold
and you grow old and grey
now blow away

Soar's avatar
Soar said

Thanks so much for you wonderful comments about our songs! We only have about another 50 to upload! lol. I'm getting into your material have a lot of fun it seems and it comes across. Great stuff!

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

This is brilliant. I need to give this album a proper listen once I've wrapped up the challenge (nearly there!) - in fact I need to listen to loads of the finished articles.. anyone know if there will be a big page of them like last year... Su?!

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said

think you got this track jist right,great track Geas!!

Guest said

Very catchy stuff. I love your vocals. You have a unique voice. I will have to use that sinister voice on one of my tracks.

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

Nice song. Like the guitar work and the background melody of the synth. The lyrics are good, too. ER

launched's avatar
launched said

Whoooooooo Hoooooooo!! Killer track, bro! I didn't have your follow button checked and I missed some of your songs. Fixed!

Guest said

I've gotta check this sumbitch out tonight too.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Nice one man! Love the drums!

Guest said

You're being awfully slinky this Feb, Mr Geas. I'm Lllllllllikin' it!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate really great track great drums very cool.

Guest said

Hey, listen to the drummming there, and I would sign up that cornball lover!

Guest said

I like it a lot, man. I wish I could drum. What a release that must be!

Guest said

Holy Crap dude this is great!!!! GREAT SOUND!!!!! Loving the drums too!

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