diegesisfreak's listening history

vaisvil's avatar
I got to play this $3,000 8 string baritone Taylor today. Had I $3,000 at all it would have been mine! It has to be one of the best guitars I've ever played and an ingenious string combination.
vaisvil's avatar
Genre: Other: Other Year: 1990 Album: Modern Clones Artist's description: Pulled from 4-track and mastered in Sonar and Cool Edit Contributors: Water Will Flow Everywhere Various mixtures of: Water will flow anywhere…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
I told the [good Sister](http://alonetone.com/sistersavage) that I wanted to try using vocals in a track and she offered to do me some abstract, stylized, vocals that I could play with and this little number is the result. Working with wet (pre…
Elusive Gene's avatar
This track was created as part of the October 2010 Alonetone 24 hr challenge. The challenge is to make 24 minutes of original music in one 24 hour period.
Elusive Gene's avatar
From Savage's 2010 RPM album 'Juped 2k10'.
diegesisfreak's avatar
diegesisfreak's avatar
diegesisfreak's avatar
Reefwalker's avatar
It seems a lot of you record with open mics and can relate. I record 1 track at a time with usually 4 or 5 tracks. So, Im only asking for about 15 minutes of Silence...IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK??? Anyway, my house is so loud, I get a lot of bloopers…
Reefwalker's avatar
It seems a lot of you record with open mics and can relate. I record 1 track at a time with usually 4 or 5 tracks. So, Im only asking for about 15 minutes of Silence...IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK??? Anyway, my house is so loud, I get a lot of bloopers…