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walking down the street in the 1973, you're wearing yellow tinted shades, and a hat with a feather in it. Your switchblade is in your pocket, but you're not gonna need to use it today. Cause the sun is shining and folks are eating ice cream…
this one goes out to all the magnificent Mary mädels out there.
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this one goes out to all the magnificent Mary mädels out there.
Mat brings you the bushwick remix of "Cross Atlantic Love". The single has just been released in Korea and is currently kicking ass. The country is going nutts for it. They're big on distructo.
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Mat and Jodi have been separated by a vast divide in time and space. AND YET! they can still create the distucto! as if by magic.
this track was part made in Brooklyn this morning and afternoon and simultaneously in Berlin this afternoon and…
this one goes out to all the magnificent Mary mädels out there.
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new friday- this tune is so effin good! 1,000 applauds!
Brooklyn and Berlin met in a field. It sounded like no one else was there. The three of them became distructo.
RAM FRIES! is in fact distructo’s 2nd album recorded in 2006. The 1st album of distructo, indeed possibly the only copy on tape, was “lost” during the bands tour of the boarder line between North and South Korea.
Apparently distructo is big in Korea.
from Brooklyn/Berlin
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