Comments on djghia's stuff

djghia's avatar
I wrote a poem and a song based on some experiences and dreams. Sunday Jazz Brunch (written for BC) I dream of us at Sunday jazz brunch Bacon, eggs, home fries, coffee, and jazz. Relaxing in our robes and slippers Reminiscing about…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

nice mix , well worth the listen ,.....cheers tony cee

djghia's avatar
Transformative, rejuvenating, and also exhausting. A sigh can occur in multiple situations. Are we hearing them all? #REM #Abenaki Written for BC.
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

catchy tune ,......cheers tony cee

djghia's avatar
uncensored. inappropriate. illegal. Play this track anyway. Or don’t. You do have a choice.
A1.5tR's avatar
A1.5tR said

That was totally inappropriate, and probably illegal, but you did it anyway! and I like that.

djghia's avatar
For all those times that someone told me to just smile.
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

cool tune , nice effects.......cheers tony cee

djghia's avatar
I finally did something this month with ceramic drum. liberación or liberation is indicative of where I am in a journey to find myself. #REM
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

sounds great ,nice listen .....cheers tony cee

djghia's avatar
For a cafe in my town that asked for a song.
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

love it ,....cheers tony cee

djghia's avatar
chill track that may let you start day dreaming. For May 2024 #REM
Guest said

Nice one
