Djörk's listening history

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Fun with loops and MIDI.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Fun with loops and MIDI.
Mustang's avatar
An acoustic guitar piece played in the style of a sitar. This is sort of a default chillout tune for me to play, and I hope other people like it as mood music. It is 14 minutes long so cross your legs, shut your eyes and enjoy, warts and all!
Breaking Light's avatar
Another edit from the live megatrack...
vaisvil's avatar
And another one I didn't share from the same day. I must of been in a funk where it all sounded really bad. This improvisation concentrates more on melodic aspects of 22 edo though there are some harmonies.
Cave Street's avatar
Another demo from about 4 or 5 weeks ago...
Breaking Light's avatar
Another edit from the live megatrack...
Keith Landry's avatar
Added a little more to this nice little change of strumming patterns played as an excuse to write a little love song. I FOUND LOVE You know I love you more than I Ever thought one simple man could You know I need you more than I Ever…
mmi's avatar
Sometime yesterday, sandbags posted "In the Ocean of Night". Fuelled by a lovely walk and some pints, I was inspired to make some additions. Technical/process details: Guitar was my Michael Kelly going into GT-10 which had compressor, delay…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
The title came to me as I was listening to the track and was reminded of looking through [Savage's]( telescope at a starry sky and us being completely unable to figure out how to get it aligned :) The title itself…