Djörk's listening history

coelocanth's avatar
apps used: Grid,Dronestation,iGog (drums)
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Hi Kids, I've been messing around with loops and samples trying out some new sounds. This one is pretty cool. Enjoy!!
Keith Landry's avatar
Well, screw the metronome, damn the torpedoes, and grab a capo! Sometimes the best versions are the ones played fast and loose. Hope you enjoy this song adapted from one of my all-time favorite poems (I'm a bit biased since my dad wrote it…
littleplaythings's avatar
Greg Albrecht's avatar
I have tried to capture that "stabbing"feeling that comes when someone says, "You were really pissed last night! Do you remember what you did?" And of course you don't remember! So you don't know whether you were a dickhead, or an arsehole or…
sriramana6's avatar
On Lord Krishna
badjuju's avatar
This was chosen to be the opening theme in a video game. Pretty shweet.
Keith Landry's avatar
Other layers may or may not be in the works, but I thought I'd let everyone have a listen so far. HERE WE ARE TODAY How can it be so clear In my mind The first night you were here Like going back in time Sweet as summer wine Your whisper…
cuthbert's avatar
Witnessing a stellar collapse, and then playing a melancholy tune for it on a Novachord...
kavin.'s avatar
Yeah, that Doors song.