Djörk's listening history

somno project's avatar
The project's first track!!
igor's avatar
Taking a lie as truth, taking useless things as large and grand, I unwittingly contributed to the decrease of the common spirit. How to turn back? It seemed no way ... But now, creating a works of art, no matter how naive they are, I see the…
Colin Garvey's avatar
Found this on my hard drive. This was the backing for a vocal that never got sung.
coelocanth's avatar
I stumbled across a sample I took of a cd skipping, which is the base rhythm/pulse track for this.
dmc1's avatar
JESMIAUS 's avatar
I'm redoing this one even though I just re did it. With more content and absolutely redoing the vocals. Didn't like how they turned out as much as I wanted them too.
mmi's avatar
A little something I've been toying with based on one of the chords from Free's "It's Alright Now". Apologies for my rusty recording mojo...
igor's avatar
Taking a lie as truth, taking useless things as large and grand, I unwittingly contributed to the decrease of the common spirit. How to turn back? It seemed no way ... But now, creating a works of art, no matter how naive they are, I see the…
Keith Landry's avatar
Another rough cut (just to get it together). The lyrics to this little song were written by my father quite some time ago. It's one of my favorite poems, and I hope I do it justice in song. Pea Pod Magic How do the pea pods blossom and…
Rob and Laura's avatar assignment #68: make a recording about a specific body part. Featuring Miss MC Co Co Co Co Co Co Ro.