Djörk's listening history
Sometime yesterday, sandbags posted "In the Ocean of Night".
Fuelled by a lovely walk and some pints, I was inspired to make some additions.
Technical/process details:
Guitar was my Michael Kelly going into GT-10 which had compressor, delay…
The title came to me as I was listening to the track and was reminded of looking through [Savage's]( telescope at a starry sky and us being completely unable to figure out how to get it aligned :)
The title itself…
I wrote this after much experimentation, rewriting and scrapping complete sketches. It took a very very long time to do and many scrapped edits :)
This is the first piece made with a Reaktor instrument I built today that I have called "Xylo".
Xylo is a sampler that plays a region of the sample back and forth with a 10s release time. Each note defines a region of a different length (but…
Mr. Wildgeas added some drums, strings and sea sounds to my very raw loop piece. Thanks man!
After the damp squib of a start to the party it eventually got started and what a party it should have been there....the whisky started to must have been the most debauched night down the cellar yet…
here's the demented lyrics :)
Spinning the wrong way
Little Tim has left the room
left the lady with the broom
she looks like she has a tail
she most certainly ain’t frail
she has a pointed hat
and carries a black cat
Little Jim has left…
Bob came down the cellar last night it had been a bit quite down there for a while so he hit this old classic by the doors and Regged it up a little.....we hope you like it