Djörk's listening history

Movement To Contact's avatar
coelocanth's avatar
It's the thought that counts. acoustic laptop
Jason Earls's avatar
Recorded this after watching an excellent instructional video by the great jazz guitarist Emily Remler (R.I.P.)
thetworegs's avatar
Here's a recording of Jailbreak it isn't that great of a recording but at least it's a record of the1st gig and another tick off the bucket list.....
Jason Earls's avatar
Just one of those things where I sat down and started recording and this stuff came out. Hope you like it.
Sudara's avatar
Unfinished rough draft from March 2012. I envisioned a series of quick solos in the instrumental section — an aural equivalent of "seeing the sights."
kirklynch's avatar
What can I say? I just always feel this way this time of year. Done with the Goodall fitted with a Sunrise pickup and the usual toys and loopers.
Roger M. Harris's avatar
A song in Open G, Try it Guys & Gals, a great Tuning for a Guitar........
Greg Albrecht's avatar
Djörk's avatar
Got a guitar for my birthday... I have been trying to learn how to play it. This is a cover of an old Smiths song I tried to tackle for Lesson 10 "Finger Picking." 12.10.2013: rerecorded at slightly faster tempo; added small amount of distortion…