Djörk's listening history
A VERY rough live recording. Posting mainly for archival reasons.
I took some material from Steel Panther guitarist Satchel's column in the October 2013 issue of Guitar World magazine and made this up.
Inspired by the scene in the movie "Shine" where David Helfgott sits down at the piano in the restaurant and plays "Flight of the Bumblebee."
A new mix of something we recorded over the summer including drums and chimes by Treefrog.
Out of your shell, into the night
Through fields of clover burning brightly
Fire in the distance, fire in my mind
Pinwheel kaleidoscope…
An afternoon playing with some pads and heavily treated guitars led to this Hammock-esque piece.
I was passing by a darkened church this evening, as the wind danced through the trees, looking though the a window, i noticed a single candle lit, flickering on the alter step, casting a shadow within.. as i pressed an ear to the dusty glass…
My cover of the 1967 Velvet Underground song Venus in Furs.
Saw a documentary on Brendon Small, the dude who does Dethklok, and got some ideas from it, which turned into this thing.
An instrumental based on the Arabian-major scale, which I got from Mike Chlasciak's "Exotic Blood" column in the Holiday 2013 issue of Guitar World magazine. Hope you like it.
In an online course on Einstein's miracle year of 1905 we had to do a creative project and I was going to submit this but never did. Hope you think it's funny.