dmc1's listening history

Azote Bezerro's avatar
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Azote Bezerro's avatar
Esta obra está bajo una licencia de Creative Commons.
glu's avatar
I'm working on a March RPM... it is "record per month" after all, is it not? So, this month I plan to expand on some ideas with glubotic... I hope to make the album a full hour.
glu's avatar
This one is dedicated to my dear friend John. Thanks for changing my life for the better.... Also a big thanks to our own Greg Connor who helped me get the chords for my own uke accompaniment, and who kindly played the beautiful guitars…
rob mills's avatar
A tune inspired by a visit to Arizona a while back. It was originally called 'Grand canyon state of mind' but I changed it!
rob mills's avatar
A punk/pop tune relating to my being a bit of a soap-dodger. Or so my lady says.
rob mills's avatar
A techno/country tune about how I met my lady, Debs.
Gumbo's avatar
Those stark Moonlit nights have something of a reputation, but there are other things lurking in the moonlight.
Gumbo's avatar
A happy song about being left by your no-good spouse. There's a word for the attitude in this song but I can't think of it right now ... this is now a tidied up version 18/3/09
Gumbo's avatar
I'm not sure if this is rockabilly or late 40s jump R'n'B. Dance music though. I had fun with the lyrics and the backing vocals. This is now a tidied up version 18/3/09