douglasboyce's listening history

counterinduction's avatar
This work was recorded at counter)induction's 'a little night music' concert, 22 Jan 22 2007 at Christ St. Stephen's Church in New York. The composer Stratis Minakakis describes his work thus: "In Aristophanes' 'Birds, Night is described as…
douglasboyce's avatar
displacements 1b is the first in a series of works, which will use spatialization to interrogate the role of embodiment in musical performance. The term embodiment refers to the manner in which the performer’s physical self is the source of…
counterinduction's avatar
This is an excerpt of 'Dead Cat Bounce' recorded at a live performance of counter)induction at the University of Pennsylvania. Program note: A “dead cat bounce” is an expression used in financial circles to describe a brief and temporary…
Kyle Bartlett's avatar
This piece is for solo viola. No electronics or processing were used. The fantastic technicolor performance is by Jessica Meyer.
douglasboyce's avatar
In the spring of 2011, I was recovering from a serious medical issue and, in addition to the support of family and colleagues, that rather dark time was lightened by two happy occurrences. The first was connecting with Elise Pittenger, one of…
douglasboyce's avatar
In the spring of 2011, I was recovering from a serious medical issue and, in addition to the support of family and colleagues, that rather dark time was lightened by two happy occurrences. The first was connecting with Elise Pittenger, one of…
douglasboyce's avatar
In the spring of 2011, I was recovering from a serious medical issue and, in addition to the support of family and colleagues, that rather dark time was lightened by two happy occurrences. The first was connecting with Elise Pittenger, one of…
Brett Warren's avatar
and sail around the world like some permanent celebration. The continuing adventures aboard the High Powered Love Craft
Brett Warren's avatar
The guy who lives next door to the guy who has lots and lots of friends...
douglasboyce's avatar
Performed by Benjamin Fingland (cl) and Sumire Kudo (vc); 28 March, 2010; Tenri Cultural Institute, New York, NY. Notes on the work are found here: