Erik Spangler's listening history
also 100 por ciento huapo sounds (saki monkey.
I am just musically doodling today, I have a sore ankle from hiking in rubber boots for the past seven weeks.
titi monkeys duet in the mornings with their mates. I thought a smooth R&B groove would be most suitable for this sample.
KICK SNARE AND HI HAT are from my limited one-shot sample collection on this computer. The rest of these sounds are samples of mosquitoes. They basically fly around my short shotgun mic while I try to record saki monkey vocalizations. I figured…
This song was made with only two short bird samples.
1) A wild screaming pija and 2)parrot. I made it last night after taking an antihistamine for all the chigger bites. paz.
This song was made with only two short bird samples.
1) A wild screaming pija and 2)parrot. I made it last night after taking an antihistamine for all the chigger bites. paz.
titi monkeys duet in the mornings with their mates. I thought a smooth R&B groove would be most suitable for this sample.
KICK SNARE AND HI HAT are from my limited one-shot sample collection on this computer. The rest of these sounds are samples of mosquitoes. They basically fly around my short shotgun mic while I try to record saki monkey vocalizations. I figured…