Erik Spangler's listening history
For the upcoming Mobtown Modern show "Low Art" next Wednesday, Brian Sacawa will perform (among other pieces in the jumbo saxophone repertoire) "Maknongan" by Giacinto Scelsi (performed on bari sax). For the event, Brian asked me to create a remix…
well its nearly there. I like to put stuff that I am working on up so that I can listen to it in passing for a day or so, it gives me the chance to hear it with new ears. And maybe get a little feedback/ suggestions. I need to finish the vocal…
I composed this song (this is a midi audio file). It is based on the lullaby my mom made up when I was a baby.
© Pablo EMoulden Productions (& and Pablo Moulden)
A skipping CD of children's music, an old accordion with sticky keys, some subterranean drums and synth bass, a departing train. Hoping to achieve some kind of glitchy transcendence through the broken fragments.