Dweeb's listening history

Basin & Range's avatar
Dweeb's avatar
Now appearing in the movie "Going Cardboard: A Boardgame Documentary". See http://www.boardgamemovie.com/ A song about a classic boardgame: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/13/the-settlers-of-catan Lyrics: You find a table and put…
Dweeb's avatar
The first and most successful of my "Recipe Songs". My idea was to have TRULY meaningful lyrics by making them useful as well. This cake is really really good. No, I didn't bake it and I don't have the original recipe any longer. Sorry. Originally…
Dweeb's avatar
One of the first songs I ever wrote, then recorded many years later when I began to be able to play guitar a little. Written before I'd ever even heard of AIDS, which is why it is not mentioned in the lyrics. Originally Recorded on a Fostex…
Dweeb's avatar
We all suffer from this. This was a song I'd written early on. One of the few times when the recording actually came out better than I expected. Unfortunately for you, the "good part" starts halfway through.
Dweeb's avatar
I dreamed this song, including the lyrics. Perhaps that's obvious.
Norm's avatar
*Pilón* reveals a Cuban pattern, traditionally played on Timbales, but in this case on Jr. Congas & Congas (with gated reverberation and flanger effect). The rhythm of Pilón is based on the motions of pounding sugar cane. A new son reveals…
Lucas Hartwell's avatar
Lucas Hartwell's avatar
It's a song about painter's hands?
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is the fourth song from the Thomas - Lennon project. A collaboration with Michael Thomas of Cave Street. http://alonetone.com/cavestreet Michael and I always have something going on, So I'm sure there will be more. Lyrics and…