Dweeb's listening history

Gary Fox's avatar
She Didn’t Know- So, someone I know got totally screwed over. The worst part was that her friends knew but didn’t tell her what was happening. I am not sure she will love the fact I wrote a song about it, but that is the least of her worries right…
Gary Fox's avatar
Hold On- Ok, this one is really hard. Not in a rock sense, but other ways. Musically, this song really dances on the line of schmaltz, and a few times, trips over it. I had a hard time singing some of the lines, since I don’t have a pretty voice…
Gary Fox's avatar
Don’t Talk Much- Perhaps it’s time you got over your big, bad self and moved on.
Gary Fox's avatar
Sweet Tomorrow- Well, after the previous downer of a lyrical journey, how about a song of hope? Except, after a big downer, you may bit a bit leery, a bit closed off and nervous about taking a chance. So this song is a conversation between two…
Gary Fox's avatar
Derivative- This one was not supposed to be on the album, but I changed my mind and worked on it. The reason for the intended omission was because the riff, which I have been playing with for a few months, just sounded so derivative of Dear Prudence…
Gary Fox's avatar
Summer Grass- I didn’t originally intend for this to be the title track, but since most, though not all, of the songs on this album sound like summer to me, I decided, why not? The guitar even sounds humid and warm, but in that nice July way…
Gary Fox's avatar
Allelujiah-This was supposed to be a completely different song, but this one just wrote itself instead. It’s almost all first take, except for the bass, which took a while to get straight so that it wouldn’t overwhelm the song. It has this tone…
Gary Fox's avatar
Love’s Standing- A good change up for the flow of the album, this one is vaguely, very vaguely, country-esque. That’s mainly because of the heavily reverbed slide underneath the acoustic in the verses. I love pounding the strings on the acoustic…
Gary Fox's avatar
This Lovin’ Cup- I was watching the idiot box and just holding my guitar when this little vamp on a B chord came out of nowhere. Using the same recorder, I recorded about 20 seconds of the riff. The lyrical idea came on the trip to Chicago, while…
Gary Fox's avatar
Figure Out- There are about 4-5 takes of this song, all different. The song started off in the key of D, but I couldn’t hit the notes in the chorus. I then tried it in A, but it was lacking drive and energy. I tried it in G, but I couldn’t get…