fallingupart's listening history

Ron's avatar
Wrote and recorded my first Xmas tune ...was supposed to be entered into a song contest but that site closed...all instruments except drums are played by me.
george schroder's avatar
Another page from my "sketchbook". This is typical. Not much detail. But a real feeling or two emerges. Like a potters perfectly turned shard or the poet's beautiful line that she's never found more words to join with...
george schroder's avatar
This is a page from my "sketchbook". I regularly sit with a guitar and just let the flow of thoughts drift up in words and progressions. I will rather "surf" an idea that arises on some set of words, but I don't "control" much of this. So it's…
broughtlow's avatar
an emotional piano piece.
Goblin mA.I.sta's avatar
Another Zelda tribute. Tal Tal mountains had some pretty epic music. but I have to admit, I'm no OC Remixer when it comes to this sort of thing. either way, hope you enjoy my Happyhardcore/ Rock remix of The Legend of Zelda Link's Awakening…
Goblin mA.I.sta's avatar
If you've been waitingfor me to post a remix for some time now, wait no further, I've done a side project with many more to come. In memory of Mr. Kubo, I will be making a few remixes of Pokemon game music, such as what is heard in Pokemon…
Goblin mA.I.sta's avatar
Goblin mA.I.sta's avatar
Soda bitches, Soda. Save OFten Dumb Ass
Goblin mA.I.sta's avatar
After almost 3 months of work (collectively throughout this entire year) I've been working on something, really really working on something. I mean REALLY working. Now... a few months AFTER the 25th anniversary, I give you, The Legend of Zelda…
Goblin mA.I.sta's avatar
With The Elder Scrolls Skyrim releasing in a little over a month, I thought I'd put together a remaster of one of my older tracks. Using the basic bones of The elder SCrolls III track, I devised a wonderous ochestra with a lead trumpet that would…