george schroder

george schroder's avatar

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george schroder's avatar
Another page from my "sketchbook". This is typical. Not much detail. But a real feeling or two emerges. Like a potters perfectly turned shard or the poet's beautiful line that she's never found more words to join with...
george schroder's avatar
This is a page from my "sketchbook". I regularly sit with a guitar and just let the flow of thoughts drift up in words and progressions. I will rather "surf" an idea that arises on some set of words, but I don't "control" much of this. So it's…
george schroder's avatar
Just a little vocal valentine. Improvised.
george schroder's avatar
There was only one helping of biscuits and gravy left, which I warmed up for my son, who stormed out the door stating emphatically that he was off to join the Navy instead of going to school and so there I was, having gained a good breakfast while…
george schroder's avatar
My daughter Heather and I spent an afternoon walking together around her old neighborhood on Manhattan's Upper East Side; museums, cafes, the park; just talking and walking.

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Al Soloviev's avatar
romantic fairy tale ethno fusion
Al Soloviev's avatar
ethno celtic folk dramatic
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
Outland (The Ballad of Jarrod X) words and music by VIVIAN CIRCLE Mother, why did you lie to me? I didn't have to make the same mistakes as you. Father, why did you run away? There was so many things left unspoken with you. Jarrod walks…

Latest Comments

george schroder's avatar
Another page from my "sketchbook". This is typical. Not much detail. But a real feeling or two emerges. Like a potters perfectly turned shard or the poet's beautiful line that she's never found more words to join with...
DOG DOWN's avatar

Nice to listen to in mellow mood.

george schroder's avatar
This is a page from my "sketchbook". I regularly sit with a guitar and just let the flow of thoughts drift up in words and progressions. I will rather "surf" an idea that arises on some set of words, but I don't "control" much of this. So it's…
Guest said

what the hell is really going on here???

george schroder's avatar
My daughter Heather and I spent an afternoon walking together around her old neighborhood on Manhattan's Upper East Side; museums, cafes, the park; just talking and walking.
Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

My two favorite subjects, daughters and grand-daughters, I have my first born new years eve 2011! Gorgeous playing George!

george schroder's avatar
Another page from my "sketchbook". This is typical. Not much detail. But a real feeling or two emerges. Like a potters perfectly turned shard or the poet's beautiful line that she's never found more words to join with...
Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

This is beautiful! No I haven't heard of Joe Craven, I'll look him up :) Thanks!

george schroder's avatar
Just a little vocal valentine. Improvised.
forest fagan's avatar
forest fagan said

Very good stuff! Thanks for sharing this George!

george schroder's avatar

Sang for pennies in my Godfather’s skid row bar in San Francisco as a kid of 4-6, learned my gospel tunes in the Little Brown Church in Magalia, CA. first music partner with Kate Wolf, wrote Red Tail Hawk and any number of other songs. Picked and sang a few tunes over the years w lots of folk including Blind Kenny Hall, “Jelly Roll” Gil Turner, Steve Young, Michael Kern, Steve Gillette, High Country, Styx River Ferry, Cat Mother, Gene Parsons, etc. Spent a lot of time in Russia working to end cold war and such. I have a lot of stories about San Francisco in 40s 50’s and 60’s. Worked in late 70’s for Earth, Wind and Fire, been everything from a soda jerk to a high rise construction manager, international trader and hazardous waste contractor.I garden and cook organic. I’m 72 and I’ve stayed busy and jumped around a lot, so I could bore you with bio for days…

Bottom Line: I believe that feeding people lovingly is good to do,whether it’s food, music, or talk.

from Nevada City, California, United States

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