Frankenstein Sound Lab's listening history

ghst's avatar
done back in 2006, in my old dreary toronto apartment (i dislike toronto i think). i don't really like it that much, too repetitive, but i need content up, and others have commented on their enjoyment of this particular song.
The All-Girl Boys Choir's avatar
Turn it up.
The All-Girl Boys Choir's avatar
Turn it up.
catandcage's avatar
"The expression that there is nothing to express, nothing with which to express, nothing from which to express, no power to express, no desire to express, together with the obligation to express." (From Samuel Beckett, Three Dialogues, "Tal Coat")
catandcage's avatar
A composition written backwards. I started with the relative harmony/coherence of the final measures and retrogressively dismantled it, concluding with the relative chaos of the opening.
catandcage's avatar
A composition written backwards. I started with the relative harmony/coherence of the final measures and retrogressively dismantled it, concluding with the relative chaos of the opening.
catandcage's avatar
Some kind of obscure metaphor for trying to kindle a fire in a downpour.
catandcage's avatar
Good news/bad news joke: Sean and Seamus were great baseball fans. They pledged that whoever died first would contact the other from the afterlife to report on whether or not there was baseball in heaven. Sean was first to depart this life…
catandcage's avatar
Based on an insipid ditty in the Marx Brothers' film "Horse Feathers," which is repeated ad nauseam throughout the picture.
Andrew D'Amico's avatar
If you've got 6 minutes to kill this is for you. Fall 2010