It Was A Dark & Stormy Night...
Frankenstein Sound Lab
From the album of the same name, this track really was recorded on a dark and stormy night, just to see if any of the elemental turmoil going on outside would lend its ambience to the proceedings. The thunder claps came from a sound effects album, though [sorry !].
RK Martin said: Don't know if it's intentional or not but, I hear the 'Black Sabbath' tritone setting back in the mix . . . FSL : Unintentional ! Or maybe my subconcious was up to something ? This was one track that definitely came out greater than the sum of its parts.
Very cool! Don't know if it's intentional or not but, I hear the 'Black Sabbath' tritone setting back in the mix . . .
This track feels in place in a videogame like Quake 3 or something. I love the retro feel the song has. Great tune :)