Gary Fox's listening history

christopher t nickey's avatar
this is a traditional blues tune originally recorded 77 years ago by the legendary robert johnson . since then everyone from the stones to clapton have had a go at it ,i have tried to bring it back to it's starting point IE: a man , an old cheap…
christopher t nickey's avatar
this is a song about the train yards in sulphur springs Ky. back in the day .
christopher t nickey's avatar
here's a little slice of mid 90s indie rock . i recorded this w/ my awesome...(and saddly defunct!) pub rock combo "sparetire" in 1995 .It's submitted for your approval. hear more sparetire at: hopefully we'll get…
christopher t nickey's avatar
this is a rock song with a message about the sad state of the world we currently live in.....enjoy silly humans!
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
An older song that was originally inspired by Prefab Sprout's "Goodbye Lucille #1 (aka 'Johnny Johnny')" but has morphed into it's current state that's more influenced by Suicide and House of Love.
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
Lorelei reaches her breaking point after years of abuse — via a failed attempt at an homage to Ennio Morricone (had he been Mexican).
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
The Creation meets The Three O' Clock meets (unwittingly) Oasis. I plunder shamelessly in a pair of striped trousers and mod 'target' t-shirt.
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
My opus. By far the longest song I've ever recorded. I tried to make it shorter, but it just didn't work. Sorry. :) "The Water-Carver" uses a sample from Stereolab's "Changer." (Gane/Sadier)
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
Sentiments I think most of us feel at one time or another.
Black Pepper Sea's avatar
I'm really not this bleak... I was just looking for an excuse to use that VU/JAMC/The National drumbeat!