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Lonely One

Gary Fox

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When anger knows no bounds. When betrayal begets rage. When sleep brings no rest. When fighting is just the beginning.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Whoa! This *rocks*! I love the backing percussion work on this one.

Guest said

Still rocking to this one!

Guest said

....and then break outta jail to this tune!! (This is the "drive the car off the cliff with this tune cranked!" song!)

Guest said

F yeah!

christopher t nickey's avatar
christopher t nickey said

this totally RAWKS!!!! you're a power pop giant!

Guest said

We are all waiting for new Fox! (This one still kicks ass!)

Guest said

Thanks Gary! But this "Lonely One" is the high water mark for me!

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

...real nice, Gary. Groov'n Thanks for the comments on my recent addition. Best, kss

Guest said

Damn this is great!

Guest said

Yeah yeah yeah!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

WooHoo! Rocking tune man!

Guest said

shit mate

Guest said

I'm teaching myself to play guitar...hope I can rock as good as you do. Amazing talent my friend.

Guest said

Sister...pick me up before ya go! You'll need someone to turn up the volume on this rockin' tune as we go........!!!

Guest said

Yes, agree with (the other) Gary. Now where's my car? :-)

Guest said

This song would be "THE" song to play driving off the cliff! It rocks!

Elena's avatar
Elena said

Interestingly! Dynamically!

Guest said

Thanks man! Have a safe trip! I have your tunes playin' by the lake!

Lalo Oceja's avatar
Lalo Oceja said

very good sound, cool stuff!

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