Gem's listening history

kirklynch's avatar
My first attempt at a Blumlein or Mid/Side recording. This one is actually a mid/side recording as I used a directional mic in combo with a figure 8 ribbon mic set at 90 degrees from the main mic. Thanks to Pat Broaders for the loan of the ribbon…
kirklynch's avatar
My first attempt at a Blumlein or Mid/Side recording. This one is actually a mid/side recording as I used a directional mic in combo with a figure 8 ribbon mic set at 90 degrees from the main mic. Thanks to Pat Broaders for the loan of the ribbon…
kirklynch's avatar
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
A second outing for my new Reaktor ensemble codenamed "BD". This time I used only once instance of the ensemble but noodled around through a series of samples allowing the guided-randomators to vary the speed, grain density, and grain length…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
You know who you are :) 3rd outing for Le Boîte Diaboliqué. Accompanied by Timeless 2, Augustus Loop, and Valhalla Shimmer. Samples used: * ["Swiss balcony" from Freesound](…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
An experiment with granular "freezing" in Boîte Diaboliqué this time using a few seconds of guitar from [MMI]( Using granular synthesis it is very hard to get a real "freeze" effect although by using very high grain…
Gumbo's avatar
Accompanied by Jim Bouchard on Slide Guitar, this is "the way my people does". The unsung heroes.
Gumbo's avatar
This was the first time I'd fired up my telecaster and amp for a recording and it felt like sitting in Sun Studios or something. Amazing sound after playing just acoustic instruments for a year. It's the first take and I loved it! This is now…
Gumbo's avatar
An old time fiddle tune without the fiddle, or the tune, really, so the vocal has to carry it, and it has that lovely raw propulsion. Written and recorded in an hour.
Gumbo's avatar
Remedies are funny things. You want to get better but you don't want to change. This is now a minimally tidied up version of this track 18/3/09