ghst's listening history
Composed of sounds from inside and outside of Brown Center.
A track created for a character called Rainy, on the North walk (entitled "Life Is Monumental") of "Charm City Remix", a site-specific narrative by Kianga Ford.
Memories of walking a coonhound in the small hours around the empty structures of Baltimore's Artscape festival before dawn- silent ferris wheel standing behind the rows of booths, vacant carnival installations on the Charles St Bridge. In this…
For the upcoming Mobtown Modern show "Low Art" next Wednesday, Brian Sacawa will perform (among other pieces in the jumbo saxophone repertoire) "Maknongan" by Giacinto Scelsi (performed on bari sax). For the event, Brian asked me to create a remix…
This is one of several beat tracks for my new piece "Z-Land" for string orchestra, amplified string quartet, and DJ. The full piece will be performed by the Zeeland High School Orchestra (from Zeeland, MI) November 20 at the Baltimore City school…
A skipping CD of children's music, an old accordion with sticky keys, some subterranean drums and synth bass, a departing train. Hoping to achieve some kind of glitchy transcendence through the broken fragments.