Richard Hardrick's listening history
This song was inspired by Alexander Pushkin's short story The Snowstorm:
A dark and dramatic solo piano piece inspired by the sounds of dozens if not hundreds of trees breaking down and collapsing under the weight of sticky ice and snow last winter in Saratov, Russia, where I was on a visit.
drip by drip..
I did the guitar and bass tracks first, then procured my 10 year olds cello for the main bass line :) I also tried my luck playing cello with a bow on this track- which was a new experience.
The trumpet and violin bits are played…
The flute on this piece is done by a very gifted flute player by the name of Melinda Eckels. You will hear Melinda on any of the songs where I use flute. Her abilities have spoiled me so, that I can never use keyboard or my limited flute skills…
I had been in the hospital for many days and when I came home I just had to jam. This the result of that joy
Ich mag ambiant Stil Musik, Ich hatte Inspiration für dieses Lied, wenn es regnete. Ich liebe den regen. Plötzlich begannen die Wolken dicht über dem Boden erhalten, als wären sie vom Himmel fallen. Dann verschwanden die Wolken, als wenn es…
Meine Freunde sagen, dieses Lied gehört in DDR. XDD ahahaha.