Mr. & Mrs. Smith's listening history

JR James's avatar
This was the original version I recorded before I completely overhauled it (see version on "It takes a village album ). I wasnt crazy about it but hell I put time into it and completed it so why not post it up.
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Collaboration with my sister. Figured I should put it in. Have you ever felt like you were bad news for those that dated you? Well this song is about that feeling. (All songs are a work in progress)
JR James's avatar
This is a bonus track of sorts for the mock EP It takes a village. I had the verse chord chages around for many years but just until last week the song and lyrics came together really quickly. I thought I heard a band arrangement originally but…
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Once upon a time, a man couldn't think of a song to save his life, and then one night it just came together. I miss the cello though. (all recordings are a work in progress)
This Caveman's Fire's avatar
Collaboration with my sister. Figured I should put it in. Have you ever felt like you were bad news for those that dated you? Well this song is about that feeling. (All songs are a work in progress)
Andrew Russe's avatar
I wrote this thing in 1994. When I played it to some friends back then they went "yeah, but where's the rest of it?" I've been struggling with that concept ever since. Then, a while ago, a couple of kindly souls removed that worry from me…
JR James's avatar
A fun lil recording of a Howlin Wolf classic. I love the original.
JR James's avatar
Okay, after a few tweaks, spaceship sounds, fuzz guitar and a better drum track I am happy now.
JR James's avatar
This is a bonus track of sorts for the mock EP It takes a village. I had the verse chord chages around for many years but just until last week the song and lyrics came together really quickly. I thought I heard a band arrangement originally but…
JR James's avatar
Okay, after a few tweaks, spaceship sounds, fuzz guitar and a better drum track I am happy now.