Mr. & Mrs. Smith's listening history

Gumbo's avatar
Final version of this tune - voice and guitar, banjoe accompaniment i'm still getting used to this new mic and finding my voice sounds different with or i'm singing differently because of it. So .. feedback appreciated, and if you like it…
Gumbo's avatar
Cave Street posted a track recently, their contribution to the Woody Guthrie Project, organised by Akron Family. I wanted to take a shot at this too, so here's my demo. It was really just half…
Gumbo's avatar
A fun childrens tune from 2008, it really ought to be a hot fiddle tune but i don't have a hot fiddle. Old fox coming down the road now Bunny Bunny Run Run Bunny Bunny Go White tails bobbing in the air there funny bunny Go Go Bunny Bunny Run…
Gumbo's avatar
Final version it needs a fiddle but it has a mandolin, a chicken banjo and some excellent backing vocalists my third demo for RPM 2011 The cat's in the window and the rabbit's in the hutch goat's in the meadow just a-chewin on the…
Gumbo's avatar
I'm not sure if this is rockabilly or late 40s jump R'n'B. Dance music though. I had fun with the lyrics and the backing vocals. This is now a tidied up version 18/3/09
Lady Jane's avatar
I've been trying to put another one of Mike's poems to music, but not getting anywhere. Then jip threw this music at me, saying he hated it and asking if I could do anything with it. Pieces of Mike's poem went in and I sent it back to jip with…
henwrench's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
Well if it was a dream Reg would have met his wife on the Dance floor but as it was'nt he met her at the Bar ...of course.....and if Reg was a musician instead of a singer it may have been in time too...... G7 Em7 G7 Em7 C D I think I love…
thetworegs's avatar
Well if it was a dream Reg would have met his wife on the Dance floor but as it was'nt he met her at the Bar ...of course.....and if Reg was a musician instead of a singer it may have been in time too...... G7 Em7 G7 Em7 C D I think I love…
Mr. & Mrs. Smith's avatar
I was driving along somewhere in podunk Tennessee on a stormy Saturday and this may or may not have anything to do with Prison.